Saturday, January 25, 2020

Synthesis of a New Potential Herbicide

Synthesis of a New Potential Herbicide CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background of Study Since the beginning of the world, every creature in the world consumes food in order to survive. They ingest creatures in the sea, animals on the ground, or even vegetables on the land. In the olden days, the vegetables that mankind intake is without adding of synthetic chemicals or in other words it is organic. The purpose of adding chemicals during the vegetation process in this era of modernisation is to overcome undesirable situation like remove unwanted plants and eliminating pest. These chemical is known as pesticides. Pesticide is defined as chemical used for plant suicide. Generally, pesticide can be separate into four categories. There are insecticide, herbicide, fungicide and bactericides. Pesticides have cause pollution to the environment. It also has an impact towards animals, plant and mankind. Pesticide is a type of persistent organic pollutant to the environment because it is hard to degrade. The physical properties have disallowed degradation to occur. Examples of pesticide are paraquat, diquat, and DDT (Hafiza, 2014). In order to produce food in high yield, weed control is used. It is to ensure the food produce is economical beneficiary. The most common weed control used is by the use of herbicide. It was because herbicide is easy to use and it is efficient (Lodovichi et. al., 2013; Pannell et al.,2004; Parsons et al., 2009). Herbicide can be categorised. Normally herbicide is categorised based on mode of action. The herbicide normally work based on inhibition of enzyme or inhibit mitosis to occur (Fujiwara, 2014). Mankind need to produce more food. It was because the world population will rise to 9.6 billion people (Fujiwara, 2014). The food mankind need is going to increase since everyone need food. Yet, there are still famine going on in this era of millennium. Just in Africa alone there are more than 18,000 people are starving. Just because of food shortage, most of the children die before them reaching at the age of 5 (Missionaries of Africa, n.d). The need of food have cause human to use herbicide extensively. The extensive use of a single herbicide had cause the weed in the field to be herbicide resistant. Herbicide resistant in weed will cause several implications. It will cause the need to change a brand new weed and crop management system, cost ineffective in weed management, reduce in herbicide choice and low productivity of crop (WSSA, 2011). Thus, mankind need to produce more food for the generation to come. Yet, a cheaper pesticide is need for weed control. However, the used of pesticide can alter the gene of weed and it will resist toward the herbicide and a new herbicide is needed. The scope of study is synthesis a herbicide. The herbicide is a derivative from benzaldehyde, cyclohexanone and phenyl hydrazine. The synthesis of the derivatives it will then be test with thin layer chromatography (TLC). After, it will separate by using a silica column. Then, it is tested with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to structural confirmation. At last but not the least, the synthesised structure is subjected to herbicide bioassay test. Significant of Study The significant of the study is to synthesis a new potential herbicide. The synthesis of the potential herbicide is to allow a new herbicide to be accomplished in the market with new mode of action. The last invention of herbicide is at 1980’s (WSSA, 2011). Most of the researchers have ford see the future and synthesis a lot of brand new technology in a lot of area. However, the urgent development of a new herbicide to enhance food productivity and quality had been a concern. Herbicide resistant had been a serious matter to the world as it will affect food productivity. In nationwide, there are approximately 80% of herbicide resistant crop due to extensively use of a single type of herbicide. In side of these 80% herbicide resistant crop there are more than 90% were glyphosate resistant while the remaining percentages glufosinate resistant (Duke,2014). Thus, the urge of synthesis a new herbicide is needed to allow more choice of herbicide. In a conclusion, the need to develop a new herbicide is needed. It is to overcome the problem of increasing need of food, to resolve famine in Africa and improve food quality. Objective of Study The Objective of study is as below: To synthesised benzyldehyde, cyclohexanone, and phenyl hydrazine derivatives as potential herbicide To develop a new herbicide to resolve the problem of herbicide resistant To characterise benzyldehyde, cyclohexanone and phenyl hydrazine derivatives To overcome the problem of herbicide resistance CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Pesticide Human have the greatest mind of all among animal range from bacteria to the largest animal in the world. Human is creative. Mankind likes to solve problem. When there is a problem mankind tends to find out the ways to resolve the problems. As an example, there is a species of pest in the house and human use pesticide to eliminate it. Pesticide is not something trendy in this era. It have been used since century ago and the animal that mankind label as pest can be kill by using pesticide. The history of pesticide can ancient Romans lived. In that era of time, sulfur is burned to eliminate insect pest and weed is controlled by using salt. Later at the 16th century, the ant which mankind label as pest is killed by using the mixture honey and arsenic mixture. In the 16 century also, the Chinese uses nicotine to control plum curculio(Hassall, 1990). Then, human in the 19th century try to develop an effective pesticide. To control pest the farmer in the field in that century used sulphur, copper acetoarsenite, nicotine sulphate and calcium arsenate as pesticide. However, the effects are not that effective (John, 2010). There a lot of chemicals was introduce at post-world war II. The chemicals included BHC, aldrin, endrin, dieldrin, DDT, and 2,4 D (Muir, 2012). These chemicals use widely in that era. DDT is used as pesticide because of cheap, high effective and low toxicology (John, 2010). Where 2,4-D(agent orange) is being used as a herbicide due to inexpensive, high effective and easy to apply. However, pesticide have cost a lot of problem nationwide. During the world war II America used this herbicide, agent orange to attack Vietnam. In 1960’s, there is a book named slient spring whom author name Racheal Carson have raise the awerenes toward the usage of herbicide. In the book of silent spring, the author explains the bioconcentration, bioaccumulation and biomagnifications through the food chain. Pesticide can be categorized into many categories. These included acaricide, antimicrobial, attractant, avicide, fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, molluscicide, nematicide, piscicide, repellent, redenticide, and synergist. Different type of herbicide will target different type of pest group (Delaplane, 1996). Diagram 1, Types of pesticide and it’s target group. Adopted from, Delaplane, K.S. in pesticide usage in the united states: history, benefits, risks and trends The usage of pesticide is wide. It can be use in agriculture, public health, industry, household, personal application and material building. Usage of pesticide in India Diagram 2, usage of pesticide in India Adopt from, Gupta, P.K.(2004), Pesticide Exposure- Indian scene 2.1.1 Role of Pesticide in Agiculture The widely used of pesticide has cause some benefits to the nation as well as world. It was because the crop production annually will drop when pesticide is not used. One research had been done that when pesticide is ban, the crop production in United State alone will drop 73 percent. The decreasing in the crop production of groundnuts, cotton and soybeans will lead to instability of crop. At the same time, the decrease in crop production will affect the price of food and the famine in the world will increase (Delaplane, 1996; Knutson, 1990). It was because increases in food crop production, pesticide is use in most of the developed countries. The increase of food crop production is simply because the resistant for plant to grow is minimized. Weed growth, insect attack and fungi can affect the nutrient availability in the environment. By using pesticide, control of weed, insect and fungi can be done. Thus increase nutrients availability in the soil and it could maximised the condition for crop to grow (Hassall, 1980). 2.1.2 Effect of Pesticide Since the beginning of civilization, human want to enchanced their living condition. The enchancement of living included increase food production. The increase of food production can be enchanced by the used of pesticide. However, pesticide has cause serious problem (Gupta,2004 ; Gupta, 1989). The amount of pesticide in the environment may be little but It may post a threat. In India between the years of 1958 to 1992, there are a total of eight cases of pesticide poisoning in food (Gupta, 2004). Pesticide also post threat toward marine and fresh water living organism (Edge, et. al., 2014). There is a study in Tanzania shows that it is having a high concentration of pesticide. In this country, pesticide leak to the environement as a result from improper storage. It has cause pesticide to run off to the river. After the split, high concentration of pesticide is detected from soil ( Mahugijia, 2013; Kishimba and Mihale, 2004). However, after 15 years the concentration of pesticide is still high in that area after the cleaning up process and the degradation of pesticide is found to be insignificant (Mahugija at. al., 2013). 2.2 Herbicide and It’s Mode of Actions Weed is defined as a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants (Soanes and Stevenson, 2009). The first man who use the term weed is Jethro TÃ…Â ±ll in his book name â€Å"The New Horse Hoeing Husbandary† in 1973. Jethro define weed as plant grow out of place, undesired plant on field, unwanted plant grow where it is not suppose to be, or plants and vegetation that obstruct plant growth. Thus, weed is undesirable plant growth (My agriculture information bank, 2011). The existence of weed will have impact toward crop. There is a case study in India that show interaction between weed and crop. The result shows a decrease in crop production. Whereby, wheat reduced by 15-30%, rice by 30-35%, maize, pulse, oilseed and sorghum reduces 18-85% each (Gupta, 2007; Mukhopppadhyay, 1991-92 Balyan and Malik, 1994, Rita, 1995 and yadav, 1995). Existence of weed is also troublesome in some area. When the weed is present on the field, it made the work hard for applying fertilizers and hard to harvest the crop. The present of weed in field may also provide shelter for pest to live and it will further reduce the crop productivity. Thus, the present of weed had cause 2.2.1 Amino Acid Sythesis Inhibitors 2.2.2 Photosystem II Inhibitors 2.2.3 Auxins Typerherbicides 2.2.4 Mitotic Inhibitors 2.2.5 Photosystem I Inhibitors 2.2.6 Cellulose Biosynthesis Inhibitors 2.3 Herbicide Resistance 2.4 Multicomponent Reactions 2.4.1 Ugi Reactions 2.4.2 Biginelli Reaction 2.4.3 Sakurai Reaction 2.4.4 Streacker Reaction 2.4.5 Mannich Reaction 2.4.6 Hanztch Reaction 2.4.7 Application of Multicomponent Reaction Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Chapter 4 Expected Result 4.1

Friday, January 17, 2020

Australian Conscription in Vietnam War Essay

The conscription issue during the second Indo – China war in the 1960’s tore apart the fabric of Australian society and resulted in divisions in all sections of the community. There were many reasons for Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War, including the allegiance commitments of South-East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO). The introduction of conscription illustrates the main purpose of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War. The conscription issues and the war itself caused social division in reaction to the Vietnam War. In 1964 compulsory National Service was introduced under the National Service Act. The Defence Act was amended in May 1965 to provide that National Servicemen could be obliged to serve overseas, a provision that had been applied only once before – during World War Two. Paragraph one The Australian government supported the USA involvement in the Vietnam War, and Australia felt it was imperative that the North Vietnam have a proper defensive treaty, as a number of other countries felt the same way, so SEATO was created to deal with this situation. SEATO was a much stronger agreement to support Australia’s security needs in the Pacific. It also helped to highlight the growing division between Australia and Britain and the new dependence on the United States (US). † (N/A, The ANZUS Treaty and SEATO Alliance, 2013, Skwirk. com. au Interactive Schooling) Australia joined the SEATO because it could support Australia in the Pacific. As America joined in the Vietnam War, A ustralia supported them to join the war as well. The Australian government feared the idea of communism overtaking their nation, this fear lead to the decision of forcing their young men to be conscripted to join the war in South Vietnam. Conscription was a tremendous issue for the families of the young men who fought in the war because many males were being conscripted sent into the Vietnam War without any choice or opinion. As a result of the fear of communism, Australia decided to support the US to join the Vietnam War and fight for the South Vietnam. SEATO was one of the reasons that Australia joined the war, because it was a much stronger agreement to support Australian security of the needs in the Pacific, Australia joined the SEATO to against the North Vietnam. As Australia got involved the war, the conscription has leaded to the depressions and social divisions in the Australian society. Paragraph two The purpose of the second Indo-China war of conscription was to avoid communism spreading to Australia. This caused Australian men and women to become infuriated and create groups against conscription. Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) was keen to get more supporters of his actions in Vietnam, to give them legitimacy. This was during the Cold War, both North and South Vietnam tried to gain the moral upper hand over the other in a way that does not happen today. â€Å"You have in us [the Australian Liberal delegation] not merely an understanding friend but one staunch in the belief of the need for your presence in Vietnam. We are not here because of our friendship, we are here because, like you, we believe it is right to be there and, like you, we believe American forces should stay there as long as it seems necessary to achieve the purpose of the South Vietnamese Government and the purpose that we join in formulating and progressing together. And so, sir, in the lonelier and perhaps even more disheartening moments which come to any national leader, I hope there will be a corner of your mind and heart which takes cheer from the fact that you have an admiring friend, a staunch friend that will be all the way with LBJ. ( Wikipedia, A Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In History That Never Occurred Today, 2004, Today In Alternate History) From this speech -‘All The Way with LBJ’, to show that LBJ tried to convince other Australia to join the war with them together, and America knew that Australia would support them, and Australia had training teams in Vietnam before 1965, just as the Am erica did. The main reason that Australia was afraid of the communism was the domino theory, the countries of South-East Asia was like dominoes. If one ‘fell’ to communism, this would lead to the fall of another, and so on until all were ruled by communists. It is evidenced that Australia was very fearful of communism and of growing Asian power, by offering Australia’s full unquestioning support of the United States (US). Australia’s foreign policy is basically to secure protection by cuddling up to a more powerful friend; since World War Two America has been Australia’s powerful friend. Australia supported America by helping them in conflicts such as joining the Vietnam War was one of the prices that Australia paid for the protection. Paragraph three Conscription led to people combining together and creating groups to revolt against the conscription and Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War. The social divisions appeared in all sections of the Australian community. Conscription started as choosing 20-year-old males in Australia in 1964, but then it turned into conscripting teenagers. In 1964 compulsory National Service for 20-year-old males was introduced under the National Service Act. The selection of conscripts was made by a sortation or lottery draw based on date of birth, and conscripts were reduced to give two years’ continuous full-time service, followed by a further three years on the active reserve list. Young men who were subject to the conscription lottery also formed their own anti-conscription organization, the Youth Campaign Against Conscription. Like Save Our Sons, it spread to other states – New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia. (Wikipedia, 11 March 2013, Conscription in Australia) In 1965 a group of concerned Australian women who had ‘lost’ their husbands and sons joined together and created the Save Our Sons (S. O. S) which was established in Sydney with other branches later formed in Wollongong, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Newcastle and Adelaide. In the same year, young men who were subject to the conscription lottery also created their own organization the Youth Campaign Against Conscription (YCAC). One of the social divisions would be conscription affect people’s daily routine, and people were being anti-war and anti-conscription. Overall, the governments’ fear of communism spreading into Australia was why they chose to continue supporting the America. This is most likely because the war and conscription were mostly fused into one without taking account of a nuanced position that addresses the two issues separately. The importance of keeping the two issues separate is that the Government would have been more credible if it had simply pursued the war and not sent conscript. Conclusion In conclusion, conscription issue during the Vietnam War in the 1960’s put Australian society into the social divisions in all parts of Australian community, especially in 1966 people started to stand out and combined into organizations to against it. The reason that they supported and followed the United States (US) to join the Vietnam War would be Australian Government was afraid of the spreading of the communism. Australia supported the defence of the people in South Vietnam and intellectual consistency to accept the use of conscription in a war that was supposed to be fought in defence of freedom; instead the war got extended.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

How Coaching and Mentoring Help Employees and Students...

Coaching and Mentoring Vital to Success Dineace D Minnick Colorado Technical University Coaching and Mentoring Vital to Success In my opinion I feel that to be successful you truly need to line up people around you who are will to Coach and Mentor you. It also looks good for you to be seen as a Coach and Mentor. I see this as an excellent way to always have feedback and direction to help reach goals and succeed to levels of excellence. I chose this topic because my ultimate goal, within the next seven years, is to be a life coach. This will include finance, career, home, and spirit. I believe that the youth coming out of High School and College have no clue. I know I didn’t and it wasn’t until I started getting direction and†¦show more content†¦Jennifer Popevec in â€Å"Management Matters† emphasized that mentoring has changed from another word for training to building long=term relationships to help young people excel both personally and professionally. Mentoring is for someone who really wants to help someone develop to the next level, and you can’t separate the personal from the professional. Mentoring usually ends up as a form of training or coaching because it is easier than investing part of you in another person’s successes and failures. Jennifer Popovec explains that there are four generations and each generation needs different things from mentoring. The silent generation is stepping out of leadership roles but often remain in the workplace. The new leaders are coming from the baby-boom generation and the older Gen Xers. The baby-boomer and older Gen Xers are looking form long-term, relationship-driven mentoring. The young Gen Xers and Millennial have some very obvious weaknesses that can be addressed by mentoring. Gen Xers tend to be tech savvy but overall are more vulgar and less courteous than other generations. Millennial tend to have few problems with courtesy, but have been overprotected by their parents and now need extra coddling to adjust to work life. From advice on what to wear to establishing a strong work ethic to suggestions on where to take a vacation, mentoring can take many forms. RealShow MoreRelatedThe Origins Of The Term Coaching1244 Words   |  5 PagesThe origins of the term â€Å"Coaching† come from a small town in Budapest, where wheel wagons pulled by horses carried people from one place to another. These wheeled vehicles were called â€Å"Kotsche†, meaning a transportation vehicle to help people go from one place to another. The â€Å"coaching† term was used officially for the first time by a professor at Oxford University to describe a tutor who was referred to as a student ‘carrier’. 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